

Rotation of content based on CTR. I.e thumb popularity calculated as clicks/views. Note we talk about rotation of thumbs not galleries.

Rotation runs independed in each category for each group. I.e thumb may be ranked 1 in category 'Moms' and ranked 100 in category 'Teens' so you can easy build multiniche sites.

Gallery statuses

Once added to site gallery change some statues:

  1. New - first status. Thumbs not created and visitor can not see gallery. This gallery queued for publishing.
  2. Published - thumbs are created and one thumb visible to visitor in apropriate categories. Thumb selection and thumb position depends on rotation and templates settings
  3. Error - This galleries was not puplished because of error.

Filter galleries by status you can in Content/Galleries menu

Thumb statuses

Thumbs created then gallery status changed from new to published. Thumb during rotation has diffrent statuses. Suppose we have one gallery with one thumb and we talk about page with thumbs sorted by CTR

  1. First status is 'New'. Script does not count clicks and views for new thumbs. Thumb thumbs located in standart placeholders <?=Inxy::thumb()?> but after all thumbs with 'Published' status
  2. Next status is 'Test'. Script calculates CTR during testing interval. Thumb located in test placeholders <?=Inxy::test()?> .
  3. Published status. For this type of thumbs testing already finished. Views and clicks are calculated. This thumbs located in standart placeholders <?=Inxy::thumb()?> orderd by CTR

Check thumbs statuses you can in Rotation menu


In standart placeholders <?=Inxy::thumb()?> first located published thumbs ordered by CTR and new one after published. All published galleries visible to visitor immediatly after publishing but located after tested galleries. По мере необходимости они попадают в тестирвоание.

Можно задать Test limit (кол-во показов тумбы необходимых для теста). Также важно задать время реранка interval - это период пересчета статистики тумб и перестроение страниц сайта согласно этой статистики.