I added gals to INXY-feeds but still no gals at INXY-site
You added galleries to INXY-feeds but where no changes at INXY-site/Content/Galleries
- Gallries were added appears in one hour. May be you should wait.
- Check INXY-feeds url is correct in INXY-site/settings/general
- Check number of galleries suitable for this domain in INXY-feeds/Main (gals match column). Zero gals match means no
suitable by type/category/paysite galleries was found for domain. Click edit and made changes. In all version prior to 1.08
changing settings for domain affects only for newly added galleries. To involve all galleries to change go INXY-feeds/Tools/System
and click Rebuild Feeds. (Gals match will be dropped to zero and updated after cron start)
If you checked all above and still no gals go to INXY-site/Logs/ and check Feeds log. All error messages send to support.